Thursday, December 27, 2012

Horoscopes: Are they ever right?

So this past Sunday 12/23/12 my husband and i met with a financial advisor. Not that we're raking in the Millions! but yes we do need some direction and possibly a new direction in life.

Well OMG here you go, this was my scope for the day:

Um well how bout that! yes it was right on the nose. So maybe I'm on the right track.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas wrapping



It's almost here, right around the corner.

Is anyone else out there putting off wrapping their gifts? I walk past the wrapping paper, gift bags, tags & tape and still no desire to wrap. I have usually done something by now but this year I'm on delay!
Anyone else having this problem?
No Christmas cards sent, no dinner plans and no Christmas plans.  Is this the Bah Humbug syndrome?
Maybe tonight I'll start the wrapping, a glass of wine and a nice dinner. Hmmm sounds good.
BLOGGINGS the best, just put in the Christmas spirit! WOW
this NICE LADY is now on a mission, sissors check, tape check, wrapping paper check, tags check, gift bags check and WINE check check check check!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Raider game @ coliseum

This Nice Lady is a "RAIDER FAN" 

We celebrated Christmas a week early!
This year my husband and I decided to take our kids to their 1st Raider Game in Oakland, CA. Yes I know SCARY right! But really it was an amazing experience for them and us. Everyone seemed so welcoming and nice. We came home with tons of freebies and photos. As a bonus we also took my mother in law, yes this is a good thing I love her!
Oakland was a whopping 42 degress, but that was paradise compared to the 30 degress in Monterey we had just been in. Even my hair had a great time, NO FRIZZ! so kuddos to Organix again!

Good thing they have a sense of humor

Above: Tozzak, Emerald, Gabriel and The Violator

My Beautiful kids with Raider Jake

Friday, December 14, 2012

Review of Organix brazilian keratin treatment


This Nice Lady has some major hair issues!!!

yes I have unmanageble crazy curly hair. And it's super thick and I have tons of it. This pisture really doesn't give it the bad name it deserves. I'm always the optomist looking for something new to help me tame these lock or blow'em out! So last night I tried Organix "Brazilian Keratin Therapy" so far I'm pleased with the out come, it does take a little elbow grease to blow dry and some patience but I puched on through. Here are the results:



Monday, December 10, 2012

Battle of the BULGE

Today this Nice Lady has started a fight against the bulge.... weighing in at a whopping 168 yikes!
This was after our trip to Laughlin, NV. Can you say "all you can eat" yes thats exactly what I did. Not to mention all the free flowing beer (cuz I'm a Nice Lady) so needless to say I have been successfully packing on the pounds. I mean wow with totally no effort on my part, really I could turn this into a goal and cross it off my bucket list.
At this point even those awesome "spanks" couldn't help me. Worse part is this Friday is my husbands christmas party! Picture this MLB at the beautiful Hilton Hotel and majority of the wives are the typical ORANGE COUNTY blondes fake boobs and tummy tucks galore. So here I am 5'4" on a good day bouncing in at 168 oh bajesus.  
What I realized it's not just the number 168 but the way I feel. ICKY. I'm tired, don't feel the tinyest bit attractive and worse my pants are tight. So I'm gonna attack this nasty SOB we call weight gain with a combo of the Cabbage soup diet and Slim Quick!
No most definitley the healthiest way but I'm desperate! It's go time baby and I'm on a mission. I'm prepared for the mood swings the insane cravings, I hope my family is too. I'll keep the post updated!


Ok I made it through day 1, I woke up a little hungry but okay. This morning I had my soup along with the three slim quick tablets. I haven't felt any negative effects yet (yipee). For lunch I'm having a bunch of fruit and "the soup" with tons of water. I really feel good, I think my body needed a cleanse. I mean when your main food source is fried, chilied or comes from a window with a teenager wearing a headset you got some issues!


Good gravy!! ok it's day 3 I was hungry this morning but I stuck to my meal plan. not gonna lie it is a tad bit hard, especially since I have teenagers. Darn kids can eat anything and everything, those sourdough jacks from jack n the box smell soooooooo good. My husnamd has been helpful usually he will have an awesome dinner and eat with no care in the world, but I have to give it to him. He's been very supportive these last couple of days. Today before lunch I was hungry! I was counting the minutes till my lunch. I enjoyed my 2 tangerines, 1 orange and a bowl of my cabbage soup. It will egt me through till dinner, thank goodness I'll be to busy to sit and watch the Food Network. So here's to another day of fighting the fight!


Sorry no update yesterday but holy moly, I was tired. Yesterday was a small struggle, but I treated myself to some sauted brussell sprouts! mmmm they're delicious. I've been waiting for today, it's my husbands Xmas party tonight and I've made some strides towards my goals. Today I weighed in at 158.8 woo moo 10lbs. gone, yes I know they can come back quickly. I need to make the promise to myself to stay on my path. I will hold myself responsible for my eating/workout habits. Please forgive the amatuer photos, but my photographer was not on site. I did my best? So by day 5, 10lbs lighter and I feel it too.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

These are the NICE LADIES , have you ever scene HANGOVER?

Stew: I married a whore
Allen: Hey she's a NICE LADY!

LOL, yes thats where the saying of our elaborate little group came from. Funny that our husbands are the ones that named us that. in our lives we have made the playing field equal between us and our spouses. Eye for an Eye or Tit for Tat. Us ladies have stuck together through thick and thin, worse and worst. They are my heart and I cherish every moment with them.


Valentine's week

Here we are February 10th, for some of us this is the week of LOVE. For others the week of TURMOIL! Oh be still my heart with all of the red...