Monday, December 30, 2019

I gotta say it has been a long while since I shared any info with this page. I not sure why I stopped?
All I know is this:

I've stepped into a whole new me. Like really the person I was has almost disappeared. I have started to enjoy the simple things in life. Like literally just waking up makes me happy. Seeing my wonderful husband smile and getting a glimpse of my adult children as they run out the door.

Life has become hard yet so easy. I have learned to just let the negative go, I needed to surround myself with encouragement and positivity. I know, I know.....what a cliche'. Honestly, I have never felt so relieved in my life. I can be upfront, direct and honest. This is what I want and I would like it by (whatever date or time)

Communication with my partner is at an all time high and I am completely and utterly in love with my adult humans.

Is it all sunshine and roses. HECK NO! But I can chose to see it from a different POV. I cannot let the everyday drama of life drain me or rob me of my mindset.

I leave you with this today:

Life is a journey, we can make it difficult or we can embrace the course and enjoy the obstacles.

Valentine's week

Here we are February 10th, for some of us this is the week of LOVE. For others the week of TURMOIL! Oh be still my heart with all of the red...