Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ballin on a Budget

I was on a blogging hiatus, I need to figure out some things on my journey to "Financial Peace" so I thought I would get advise from some one smarter than I. Recently I purchased our Financial Peace University Kit. Now this is no walk in the park but it is very helpful.
Once I did my worksheets I felt like I had just been kicked in the gut. How has my family been surviving? How have I just thrown so much  money away? How could I have let this happen? Well at the time it was pretty easy! I mean 1,2 or 3 COACH bags a couple pair of new shoes. My excuse "well I work hard, I deserve it!" Yes, with that attitude I deserved what I got. A whole lotta crap and nothing of value to show for it.
We're getting on track, coming to an agreement about our lifestyle (the spouse and I that is). Our adventure will bring new and exciting ways to think about our relationship with OUR MONEY.
We've shied away from reaching for the Debit card, cut up the Credit card and started with the trusty ENVELOPE SYSTEM.   
Here's to the future of "Ballin on a Budget" woot woot!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Best Pieces of Advice?


I mean really she could probably wipe her nose with $100 bills, bajeezus! But yes she is amazing, who'd thought way back in the 80's hey this chic's got something. Well like many kids my age all of our mothers watched this mogul at 3pm FAITHFULLY! Why? She was magic, her wieght was an issue, her style and yes she is a black beautiful woman.  Anyhow, while I was strutting pass a table I saw this magazine. 101 Best Pieces of Advice EVER! Got me thinking well we could all use a bit of advie from time to time. Well I would sincerely love to thank whom ever ripped the pages out! JERK. Yeah I was totally looking forward to ready this article and yet a huge disappointment. GRRRR So I'm gonna GOOGLE it and see if I can find this darn thing because know I'm on a mission.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Save a Dog, Save Yourself!


I have been away for some time, I took a pity party break. Yes, I'm done!
After feelings of FAILURE & LOSS I pulled up my big girl pants and realized it could be worse. I could be away from my family like many soldiers over seas, I could be homeless like many women on skid row, I could be alone without my beautiful children, I could be in the unemployment line like many of my friends & family, I could be hungry like many of the children I see everyday. And last I could be cold & heartless, without feeling, love, generosity and just plain humanity.
With the ugliness we see from day to day whether it be the news, the internet, the freeway (road rage) or in plain sight. Have we become desensitized to compassion, caring for one another, being courteous and polite.
I would like to make a difference in this world, be even the smallest change. Something positive for my children to see. I just don't know where to start. 

I have a love for dogs!

My hope is to able to foster the abandoned, abused and rescues out there. I'm gonna have to start with one small factor: PURCHASING A HOME! okay so not so small but I need a yard. Then secure my yard for my visitors and making sure they are safe and cozy. I may be acting unrealistic but oh well this is the internet I can be whatever I want.  Currently I am not following my passion but my job seems to pay the bills, thats my sad truth. Baby steps will hopefully get me going in the right direction.
These are our little hunks, I could never imagine them lost wihtout a home. They're so important to our family, couldn't imagine our lives without them.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fast and Easy Dinner

Another 25min Dinner

I feel like I'm on a roll, when I get into the kitchen i feel like I should see a checkered flag somewhere.  3rd night another 25min meal. I'm saving money, feeding the family and not making myself totally crazy. Could I be onto something, maybe. Last night my daughter had a game, I left work went straight to the game. Towards the end my stomach was kinda growling (feed me seymore!) So I left as soon as the game ended. Did a quick glance into the freezer, fridge and cabinet. Here's what came out: 
2lbs of frozen pork chops $5.99 @ f&e
1 can of butter beans .99 @ f&e
1/2 onion diced
3 carrots diced
2tbsp olive oil
left over potatoes
2tbsp minced garlic
cornstarch (if you want thick sauce)
I used a 5qt pot to make this.
1. From my last few post you can probably tell I love to add onion & garlic to almost everything.
2. Saute diced onion and minced garlic in 2 tbsp of olive oil, after they are translucent add diced carrots and 2 pinches of salt. Give it a quick stir then add your frozen pork chops. With the burner on high cover the pot and let the veggies caramelize and the chops kinda steam.
3. Open your can of butter beans then drain.
4. After about 5min pork chops should have defrosted and start to break apart from one another. If not gently try to separate them. Then stir a few times and cover again still on med-high heat.
5. In a small sauce pan heat up your beans.
6. After 5min add 1c water to your pork chops, stir. depending on the thickness of your pork chops this meal is almost done. At this point if you want a nice thick sauce add 2tsp of cornstarch and stir again. Viola all done.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Cocktail hour @ home

Tonight no Mixologist needed!

Well it was Saturday night and wow for a change we're home! All of us the whole household. I stopped by the market on the way home, and thought tonight I would like to have a nice girly/sweet cocktail. No special occasion, no stress just a nice little cocktail for myself. While I was at Stater Bros. i walked down their liqour aisle and found this little doosey!
Blue Rasberry/Lemon Vodka 12.5% alchohol. So I did a little taste test before actually serving myself (1oz. portions). My first try was adding lemon, it still had a slight after taste. Second I added salt & lemon trying to give it a little tart bitter taste, nope still after taste. Then I had some lemon lime mineral water, ding ding ding. this worked best. I sed about 6oz of the UV Vodka poured over 1c of ice and added the mineral water to top it off.
This was the best combo for me. Your taste might be different so dabble a little.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Working MOM & Dinner

Another 25min Dinner

This time I set the stop watch on my phone to track my time. So on the way home I was thinking what I was going to make for dinner. My daughter had a game so I knew she would be hungry. I myself was not feeling to hot. It seems that our home is attracting any koodies in the air. Anyhow I'm at the stop light waiting to turn and do a mental scan of the pantry. 

This meal only ended up costing $6.73 to make. It came out to 1.68 per person! 

1 1/2 c of rice $1.99 @ fresh & easy
3 c water FREE
1 onion .28 @ food 4 less
3 tomatoes .48 @ fresh & easy/ .98 for pk of 6
4 tbsp olive oil (1tbsp to saute rice/ 3 tbsp for vinegrette) already had in pantry 6.99 @ fresh & easy
1-2 tbsp of minced garclic or 1 clove of garlic, already had in pantry 3.50 @ big lots
1 can black beans .99 @ fresh & easy
Tortillas 2.99 @ food 4 less
salt to taste
cheese (optional) already had in the fridge 2lbs 4.09 @ food 4 less
hot sauce (optional)








25min DINNER

Like many of us out there I am a full time working mom outside of the home, and feel like I'm part time @ home :( So when we are all on our way home, fighting traffic and already exhausted from a long day. We get home to the question: Whats for dinner? Really! I haven't the slightest idea. So I check the fridge and yes I still haven't gone grocery shopping, hmmm. While scratching my head thinking the magic fridge genie will make something suddenly appear. I think okay woman you got this. So I rummage, looking thru the pantry, checking the freezer and then the crisper drawer. Wow, I have stuff that can feed the family. Guess what it will only take me 25mins to make. SWEET!

So here you go, I found:

Frozen chicken breast
Carrots (dice them up)
Tomatoes (dice'em up too)
1lb of Spaghetti (cook til al dente)
Minced garlic (use 2tbsp)
1 can of diced tomatoes (found while cooking, added almost at the end)
Olive oil ( used 2tbsp to cook chicken and about 3tbsp for pasta water)

As amazing as us women already are, we just keep getting better and better! My husband wanted to get pick up some burgers & fries. Take that Mr Man. And yes everyone liked it and got seconds! Pot was empty. Sometimes we need to get a little creative but we can produce small little miracles everyday. Hope this is helpful to somebody.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Relationships & Intimacy, do couples communicate enough?

Well this weekend just flew by, how is it that time seems to be literally slipping nthru my fingers?

Luckily I was able to spend some quality time with my "Nice ladies" ahh refreshing. After a nice lunch date we carried off into the evening for a hilarious game of dominos, some of us can count, some of can't. Any who there was this young couple there, and by young I mean younger than me. Well they have been in a relationship for about 10yrs. The topic of our subject would've been inappropriate for some but for me, nah. I try and be honest with everyone and try to offer the best advice I can. When the topic of SEX/ INTIMACY comes up I respond with respect and honesty. If you treat the discussion like a joke or don't take it seriously how our we ever going to educate the ones who need to know.

Well this couple's question was: How do I know she is happy or feels satisfied?
A: well beyond just asking, do you talk about each others needs in bed?
His/Her reply was no!, I asked well then how do you ever expect to know exactly how your partner desires, likes, dislikes or fantasy.

Now I'm no therapist but when a couple communicates I believe their intimate relationship takes on a whole other role. It keeps them connected on another level. When you appreciate your partner and their needs, as well as your own what you create is no longer just SEX it's called Making Love.

Some couples go years without even knowing their partners sensitive spots or secret needs. You can only imagine how taboo it is to even mention to your own spouse, lover or partner just exactly where you want to be touched or what you want to hear.

Hopefully this post will help somebody out there and help them open the lines of communication with their significant other.

Thursday, January 3, 2013



Easier said than done!!!!

I can easily tell or say to someone "hey you'll never know know unless you try" My initial thought is to someday work for myself, I know it's possible. I see people do it everyday all over the world. I'm self motivated, I love to work and can adapt to any surounding. I've been watching this show "House Hunters International" these are primarily Americans traveling thru other countries and can do their jobs from anywhere. I WANT THAT!

I have missed so much a my kids lives it makes me crazy, our daughter already a Junior and our son a Freshman in high school. I've worked full time their entire lives.  I have an excellent work ethic and enjoy helping others prosper from my ideas, now how can I make my ideas work for me? If anyone has input please let me know.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Well the name says it all!! INSANITY, this workout is not for the weak of heart. I found myself gasping and that was just the warm-up! Yes it is hard, but if your doing this for a reason your on the right track. The team on the DVD is definitley in shape and work hard, at times even they needed a break so that made me feel better. I may not have performed or kept up as well as these fit creatures but I did my best to NOT QUIT! At some point I realized I was very emotional, I cried and told myself just finish, just finish, don't you dare quit. I needed to finish I needed to know that I had it in me. And like many others out there, I was scared I couldn't. Everyday thousands of us make excuses because we're afraid of failure, afraid of the unknown. Of course who wouldn't be, I'm afraid everyday of my life, the uncertainty of the unknown the open ended question of what if?  This is our time, our time to end the fear and answer our own question of what if? What if I wasn't afraid? What if I didn't doubt myself? What if I can finish what  I start? Well I conquered 1 day of INSANITY let's see what I can do next! Let's all see what we can do next, for tomorrow is not promised, earned or given to any of us. Live today, see the world, dream your dream and believe in even the smallest accomplishment because every turn in the right direction and a huge step towards your own reward!

Be the master of your fate!


I'm still on my way to getting stronger, I have tried swapping out some of my less healthier food options for better ones. No I'm not always faitful to it but I figure something is better than nothing. I have managed to continue working out. Yes, I do modify the workout somewhat. I have a previous knee injury so I'm not going crazy psycho with this routine. I do my best and everyday I'm able to do more & more.
Did I mention I'm 35 and outta shape!! But my hats off to the many that do this workout with no problemo. My goal is to be able to out run thirty three 8,9 & 10yr olds. Our football season is around the corner and sometimes they need a little motivation. So when I'm gruntting, sweating and telling myself don't quit, I hear my daughter say "c'mon mom your stronger than that, YOU GOT THIS WOMAN" I hope she's right.

Valentine's week

Here we are February 10th, for some of us this is the week of LOVE. For others the week of TURMOIL! Oh be still my heart with all of the red...